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Eco Tours Marlborough Sounds

Pelorus Tours can customize an Eco tour in the Marlborough sounds to suit your needs.

eco tours cruises

We operate Eco Tours to all areas of interest in the Kenepuru and Pelorus Sounds.
We have the chance of viewing NZ fur seals, whales, and dolphins.

We can arrange a Maud Island Scientific Reserve Tour to land on the island, but a permit must be arranged.

Contact us today to make a booking enquiry.

marlborough sounds tours

Pelorus Tours
Gary and Ellen Orchard
Nopera Lodge
Kenepuru Sound, R.D. 2, Picton
Phone / Fax: 03 573 4203
Mobile: 0274 345 488
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marlborough sounds charter boats

Book your Charter Boat or Water Taxi today

  • All services priced on enquiry and suited to individual needs
    book now

marlborough sounds tours

Pelorus Tours
Gary and Ellen Orchard
Nopera Lodge
Kenepuru Sound, R.D. 2, Picton
Phone / Fax: 03 573 4203
Mobile: 0274 345 488
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

marlborough sounds charter boats

All services priced on enquiry and suited to individual needs
book now

Marlborough Sounds Boat Charters © Pelorus Tours Marlborough Sounds New Zealand

website by Blueflowers